Besmele-i Şerif Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Assalamualaikum w.b.t...

Now, it has to be realized that i should focus on what i'm doing n learning currently...seriously, i'm not focusing on those subjects...sometimes, i feel like giving up,,,(kdg2 rase gak yg diri ini terlalu lemah compare wif others)...but i've to think positive...that everybody has talent...on various way....*alang2 menyeluk pekasam, biar sampai ke pangkal lengan*, i must take the risk because of my choice....take the challenge Mimi...CHAIYOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Bile fikiran jahat datang, mcm2 ak rasa...menyesal, sedih, marah, kecewa, rendah diri..n mcm2 lg..but the road has taken..i've to face n solve lah,,kdg2 ak rase ak nie cam useless bile ak renung balek,,fikir balek,,kaji balek...actually,,i'm not the worst..ade lg org yg lbh sblm nie ak terlalu fikirkan kesempurnaan,,mengejar keberadaan utk tempat plg atas,,ak jd lupa dgn kemampuan ak...i can't give the best in this particular x salah kalau ak least i gain an experience...knowledge...i realized i should not compete wif others..i should think how can i pass through this challenge...buat ikut kemampuan...buat yg terbaek yg mampu....mgkin pengalaman nie amat berguna satu hari nnti....who knows..

"God has created something for a reason..."

it's beyond the expectation...sblm nie pon ak x pernah terfikir utk belajar benda alah tibe2 ak teringat blek zmn kecik2 dulu...mase umur 3 4 tahun dulu...sbnrnye talent tu da ade pd mase kecik lg..
"Nanti besar adik nk jadi ape??" soal mama, ketika ak masih berumur 3 atau 4 thn camtu..

"Adik nak jd arkitek, adik nak buat rumah," jawabku yg ketika itu masih tidak mengerti ape2 pon..
pada mase itu ak hnye tahu sepahkan brg2 mama cam sabun, syampu, ubat gigi, sabun basuh pinggan, span n so on...ak sepahkan semua brg tu ak buat bangunan, rumah...kire model making time tu...huhu...mama layan je kerenah ak mase tu..x nak bg ak buat lah mase kecik2 dulu peel mmg 'baik' lah....rase malu bile igt zmn kecik2 dulu..betapa buruknye, mama kire target ak dlm bidang arkitek la...abang target jd engineer...arwah kakak plak target jd doktor....

bile dah masuk sekolah rendah,,ak nk jd engineer plak..sbb tgk abg ak ambik mechanical engineering kat UTP, nk ikut jejak langkah die lah...hoho...die ambik mechi, ak nk ambik aerospace...sbb mase tu duk giler tgk citer superhero cam ultraman, flashman, power rangers..sbb byk pangkalan dorg kat angkasa....haha...lawak..lawak...

pastu bile da masuk sekolah menengah,, ak nk jd doctor plak...may be sbb selalu ikut arwah kakak pergi hospital...kira unit hemodialysis hospital kota bharu tu kire da jd rumah kedua ak...sampai staf2 kat situ pon da kenal ak...even i was not the patient..haha...homework pon ak buat kat situ...huhu...kat situ jgk la ak byk belajar istilah2 perubatan...ak knl alat2 perubatan...mama pon da jd expect..kalah nurse2 n MA kalau bab2 mesin hemodialysis n kidney problem nie...

pastu mase form 3...tibe2 bertukar plak nk jd pharmacist...mase tu kire minda ak da terbukak dlm dunia sains kesihatan nie...tambah lg bile da tau course2 kritikal...medicine, engineering, pharmacy n so on...kire azam kuat nk penuhi bidang2 kritikal tu...masuk form 4...ak mule goyah...main goal nk ak wat back-up plan...sbb da tau sukar utk ak excel dlm subject sbb ego,,mulut ak ttp mengatakan medic fokus utama....biaselah budak SBP...mind set nye hanyalah medic, engineering, pharmacy....jrg sgt kalau ditanye akan jawab nk amik bussiness ke law ke....hnyelah kumpulan minoriti....
  • plan choices course mse zmn spm dulu..
  1. medicine
  2. pharmacy
  3. dentistry
  4. dietetic
  5. chemical engineering
  6. civil engineering
  7. accountancy
  8. quantity surveying
  9. banking
  10. electrical engineering adalah course2 yg menjd pilihan ku..(susunan mengikut ranking)....
  • hala tuju lepas spm...(part 1)
  1. IB (international baccalaureate)/SAM (south australia matriculation)/AUSMAT (australian matriculation)...n program2 yg seumpamanya..
  2. MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery)..russia, ireland, ausie n etc..
  3. after get degree...HO (housemanship)
  4. MO (medical officer)
  5. specialist........Anesthetist (pakar bius)
  • part 2
  1. PASUM (pusat asasi universiti malaya)/CFSIIUM/ KPM matriculation/Asasi sains UiTM
  2. degree...PASUM/KPTM/UiTM...MBBS/MD..dentistry...dietetic...chem engin....CFSIIUM..ikut course yg dpt mase foundation..(aim mse nk apply..Allied Health sciences, Bio SC n Architecture n Environmental Design)
hahaha...kelakar kalau ingat blek zmn tu...bkn maen lg semangat kalo bab2 kerajinan utk study nye alhamdulillah..dpt uia..kire ade dlm target gak,,,,study lah mimi...!!..mlm esok ade mid term exam statistic....jgn maen2 la,,,even 2 credit hours penentu utk tlg nk apply QS nnti...huhu..insyaAllah..i'll fight abis-abisan utk dptkan QS...

Ya Allah...bantulah daku...berikanlah ape yg ak hajatkan....amin....

note: saya sedang belajar n tanam minat dlm dunia nie...saya cube beri hati utk semua nie...yes, i admit,,, i'm too slow in this particular subjects...i need a bit more time.....give me the chance...

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"Orang yang terlalu memikirkan akibat daripada sesuatu keputusan atau tindakan, sampai bila-bila pun dia tidak akan menjadi orang yang berani.." -Saidina Ali-

"The secret of success is constancy in purpose.."