Today, my final exam result 4 lem6012 was released..n the result is ok...although i couldn't get A- ..which was not reaching my target.. alhamdulillah ak msh lg still dpt B+ cam sem cgpa ak rendah la ckit...but it's okay..i thought that i couldn't get B+ anymore cz my condition while sitting the exam was really bad..i couldn't focus on my exam paper at first one hour...yup, i had a cold, cough, head feel like spinning that time..i really..really lost...fikiran ak pon melayang ntah ke mana...tambah plak passage yg ssh utk difahami..wt semangat ak xpe la..ak bersyukur sgt2...dgn tension yg ak hadapi ari tu..i still got it..thanx to Allah..
keadaan katil yg bersepah..(a night b4 final)..padahal tido je lebih..
so, next sem i must work harder n improve cgpa...i hope i'll obtain dean list next sem...that's my vision!!!!..i wish i can do that..wait2!!! ade bende yg lbh penting lg...EPT..English Placement Test...n dis is very dangerous matter.... if i fail, i will get involved into a new system...batch ktorg skang mmg jd "golongan teraniaya" la..utk new intake ok la...nk x nk mmg dorg kena follow system tu..ktorg la yg kesian..x psl2 nnti klu fail satu skill je ept..(writing, reading, listening or speaking) akn repeat blek level 6...mmg giler!!!...klu dulu ok la..klu satu skill je fail, repeat satu, ak kena buat btol2..jgn bg satu pon fail..klu x mmg akn mengganggu perjalanan projek GC ak nnti..n also other subject..nauzubillah.. n utk system br xde lg presentation, listening test, group discussion, timed in class essay n mid sem...sume totally exam...n setiap sem ade!!!...marvellous!!!!!..hohoho..mau jd gilak ak dibuatnye more CAM...jd, ak mst pass sem nie...mesti, wajib, compulsory n must...
n satu lg event yg x disangka..psl group sem dpn..tibe2 ade prob plak..utk group BTQ n COMPUTER...Hanis bgtau ak yg group com utk AED hnye group 33-34..n BTQ 12-14...sedangkan ak da isi group 38 utk com n 7 utk btq...mmg rase tension btul..sbb mse ak isi ari tu okey je..xde la plak detect utk course lain..aiseyh!!!...tgk je la..klu mmg salah nnti bkk sem ak drop blek n add group laen...pape pon thanx to Hanis cz bgtau gak ak wlpn da last minute..hehe..n membuatkan ak mencari maklumat sal group kat web cfs...klu ak drop group tu pon just boleh reserve je la...bia je la....tgk la nnti camne...
p/s: "adik jgn pikir bende bkn2 nnti exam...fokus betol2...nnti tensen..n make sure jgn sakit2 kepala ke demam lg.." -pesan mama-
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